CEO Challenge
My wonderful team |
This is the final challenge of the whole program, and I learned some new things despite being down most of the time due to food poisoning (sorry team!):
1. Learn to control emotions and be positive even when there are obstacles.
2. Set time for work and rest - time management is very important.
3. Be encouraging and keep the team spirit up at all times (Eu Gene is very good at this)
4. Know your demographics, how often/likely they will use your product (reason why your product will work), and show the money numbers on screen! ᕕ($◡$)ᕗ
5. Prepare an answer/a justification for everything you want to do.
6. Quoting Mr Farid: If the question is beyond your preparation, make sure you can smartly pave your way through at the right times, cos everything is a prediction, nothing is set in stone.
C'est le dernière défi dans le programme, et j'ai appris quelques nouvelle choses malgre d'être malade par l'intoxication alimentaire:
1. Contrôler vos émotions, bien que les émotions négatives existent toujours.
2. Trouver un juste équilibre entre les travail et repos.
3. Soit positif et encourageant sur toi-même et sur tout.
4. Le projections financière (particulièrement les revenu et ROI) sont très importante si tu veux obtenir une chance de gagner.
5. Tu dois preparer une réponse pour chaque question.
6. S'il y a une question que tu ne sais pas, dis la foutaise pour t'echappes.
Dinner #1 - Awards Night
I really want a nyonya kebaya like Emily's, but in light pink.
Vraiment, je veux acheter une kebaya comme le sien (c'est très belle, oui?) mais dans le coleur rose clair.
Dinner #2 - Spanish Night
Mandatory group photo. I love these people!
La photo de groupe obligatoire. J'aime ces gens!
The peeps chosen for Axiata Aaaahhhhh
Jane is hands down the winner haha
Les personnes sélectionnées pour Axiata Aaaahhhhh, et Jane est certainement le gagneur.
˚✧₊⁎( ˘ᴗ˘ )⁎⁺˳✧༚
This is my cute room mate beautiful Jasmine (Jia Lee). I didn't manage to get one with our other room mate Ilani. They're both awesome ladies.
Ceci est ma colocataire, elle est petite et mignonne. Elle s'appelle Jia Lee, aussi connu sous le nom la belle fleur. Malheuresement, je n'ai pas pris une photo avec Ilani, nos autre compagne de chambre.
Meet Jocelyn, my pool buddy. I really appreciate how we randomly went for a game during one of our rare breaks and became friends since.
Mon amie Jocelyn qui jouait le billiard avec moi.
Emily, me, Karishma, Yi Xin |
We had excellent food for the whole duration of the camp, and had desserts of every kind after each meal. We were very well-fed I'm sure everybody gained at least 2 kgs by the end of the camp.
Nous avons eu la bonne nourriture dans ce camp.
The sharing sessions with Duncan from Blue Chip Leaders really force you to undergo a critical evaluation on yourself, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, your obstacles and goals. And Duncan is always telling us to take care of our health, go eat, or go sleep because he's worried that we might fall sick from the endless efforts to fulfill our tasks. Thanks Duncan! (◕‿◕✿)
Duncan est toujours inquiet pour notre santé.
Graduated! |
It was a tough but rewarding 14-days, I learned so much about the business world in such a short time and developed lifelong friendships with some of the most loving, caring and supportive people on the planet. I also learned a lot about myself in the sharing and reflection sessions, and the things that I should improve on.
I realized that sometimes I can be a bit of a bitter bug when I'm stressed, and this might have affected my team members negatively when times were hard. Noah, thanks for your efforts of talking and cheering me up (but honestly I wasn't sad or anything, I just simply look constipated when I'm stressed). I sincerely apologize for this, and I promise (to my future team members and colleagues) to smile more and bring more sunshine and contribution to the team.
On a side note, it was cool to discover so many "crouching tigers and hidden dragons" in the camp - people just stun you with their special talents! Aziz, Amirul and Ben are Photoshop pros; Ben, Vincent, Joe Ee and Zach are skilled guitar players; Xin Le is secretly a top-grade violinist and pianist; Shu Wei is a soprano and Joshua is a baritone who sings surprisingly rich bass.
It was a great 14-days with all of you, and I would like to thank everyone for making this camp memorable and exciting. It would not have been as much fun without all of you. (๑◔‿◔๑)
Last but not least, a huge thank you to Axiata for the chance to participate in this camp! It was both a privilege and a blessing to be able to join this group of highly-motivated youth in learning about business and also ourselves. I learned so much and I will improve myself in the days to come.
This is not the end, it is just the beginning.
Disclaimer: All Axiata ULDP posts are very descriptive but no photos / detailed information on the simulations were leaked for event privacy purposes. This is meant to be a journal of the event for personal remembrance.