Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Axiata ULDP 2016 (Part 2)


Everyone gathered at the Axiata Tower for the opening ceremony. After registration and some awkward self-introductions downstairs, we were herded upstairs where individual photos were taken.

Breakfast was nasi lemak! No complaints, it's my favourite Malaysian dish ever. And I haven't had any yet since coming back from US, so I'm pretty happy about it.

After that, some speeches from Axiata's top leadership (Tan Sri Jamal, Datin Badrunnisa). It was quite enlightening to hear that sometimes people don't necessarily end up where they started with. Tan Sri Jamal came from IT background, Datin Badrunnisa studied Biochemistry and Pharmacology, but both came to work for Axiata, a telco group. Tan Sri Jamal is all for learning as much as you can, no matter what branch that knowledge is from. Seems to correspond to Robert Kiyosaki's learning style.


Like what Jay thought, it's definitely a breeze. 14 days of holidays in an exclusive highland retreat. 

You wish.  

Axiata uses heuristic means to teach us about the business world. We are left to do all the nitty gritty stuff ourselves, with minimal dubious hints here and there from the facilitators. But really, you just have to figure out the whole picture yourself or risk getting eliminated in the games. If left alone, I probably would have teared apart any encephalic matter present in my head.

How I Met Your Mother

Most of the times, I felt dumb and just wanted to pull my hair out. The level of frustration is high. I hated not knowing anything and not knowing where to start learning (because almost everybody is clueless).

But in a way it pushes us to come up with something (anything at all), so I guess it actually works?

Also, once you get the gist of it, the metaphorical light-bulb will shine brightly in your head. Raw financial data is not a huge problem to us anymore cos now we know how to analyze the important parts.


These people are ohana.


I'm gonna admit it felt bad not being able to contribute as much to the team. Gary was busy doing all the thinking and presentation layout strategy, while Vincent (psychology major) was busy scrunching numbers which did not seem to make sense to anyone in the group. (But finally he got it! Bravo for having quick brains.)

That said, I think I did a pretty well in terms of artistic design for the advertisement, thanks to the help of Noah, Yi Xin, Adi, Emily and Karishma. And of course, Adi did an awesome job on the video as well.

One thing I think we could've improved on is people management. A huge part of the group did not know what to do or what they could do to help. But on second thoughts this is unavoidable because:

(a) We don't know what we are doing
(b) We don't know enough to direct others to do something we don't know

It boils down to numbers. If you understand the numbers, you are king. 

Presentation wise, Gary, Vincent and Emily are pretty strong. So are Noah, Adi, Karishma and Yi Xin (unpolished raw gemstones). Me, I always have my moments of jimjams. My brain reacting slowly is something I really need to work on. Debate Club, perhaps? To improve my overall fluency. And maybe take up a marketing crash course to learn how to sell/pitch with confidence. Any suggestions?

I hope the heavy workload that comes with the new sem doesn't wash my initial plans down the gutter again. Malaysian education is too much about homework and memorization and too little about reflection and self-discovery. Gonna try to make time to do what I wanna do though.  (๑◕︵◕๑)


This is one of the fun ones, and perhaps one of the easiest ones (for those who are in the audience seats). 

What I learned from this simulation:

whatever unimpressed come on bitch please cmon

1. When people ask you what if questions, just reply with pure logic. Do not hike up your stakes to meet unrealistic demands. It's ok to be bitchy stand your ground if you have a reason to be.

2. Balance between personal interest and public interest. Do not promise more than you can give.

3. Don't claim credit for something you haven't done. Be smart. -(●-●)-

To be continued...



This didn't come until later in the week. BUT.

To keep things interesting...

Here's a game, first started by Gary. 

It messed up my brain so much now I wanna mess up yours.

ULDP 2016 participants, please don't answer cos y'all know the answer already. ;)

A is a half-boiled egg
B is a leather jacket
C is your mom

What is D?
Leave your answers in the comments below.

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