Showing posts with label Cute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cute. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Review : Earrings from Azure China

I won a pair of earrings at azurechina, but she kindly offered me another pair. Have a look at the origami papers she used for her earrings here. I chose no. 2 (with gold-toned kidney style hooks) and no.4 (with gold-toned fish hook style hooks).

These earrings are simply lovely! They are made from specially-ordered origami folding paper from Japan. They are quite sturdy, and don't flatten when you press them lightly. (Don't try to crush them, though!) The earrings are triple sealed for luster, protection from water, and stability. The hooks are very shiny too! You can get a pair of earrings of your choice at $4.99 USD.

To purchase, go to this page, then choose the paper, style of hooks, and type of hooks (gold or silver toned).

Design Your Own Japanese Origami Lucky Star Earrings

After you have paid, contact azurechina using the conversation feature of Etsy.
1. Specify the number which designates the origami paper of your choice.
2. Let her know whether you would like fishhook style, or kidney style hooks.
3. Let her know if you prefer the hooks to be silver or gold toned.

She is currently on vacation so you'll have to check out her sold items page to see more examples of her products.