Showing posts with label Language and Linguistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language and Linguistics. Show all posts

Friday, March 10, 2017

How to Sign Up for an Audit Course in UM

¡Hola, mis amigos!

Nowadays UM students are not allowed to take language electives anymore (bad administration decision if you ask me) but you really want to sign up for language course, you can! Please take note it will not be counted towards your CGPA. You'll have to attend classes as usual and you'll receive an R grade in your transcript (meaning audit course). You will be charged RM35 per credit hour. I was informed that sometimes they might accidentally charge you for the exam fees (RM10 per credit hour), so make sure you claim back from Bendahari UM if that happens.

I went through so much obstacles applying for audit language course and I saw others asking the same on UM Confessions Page so here I am to share some tips on how to get your application through quickly, minus all the hassle. TBH I would have probably given up if I have no car to drive around the huge campus cos FBL and SKR kicked me around like a ball that I was so exhausted by the time I got everything done.

  1. Attend the lectures to see if you like the subject and is committed enough to sign up.
  2. Talk to the lecturer, get his/her consent for taking an audit class.
  3. Write a letter through FBL to SKR, get the relevant parties to sign it. For sample, click here. (Download and edit it Word yourself, let me know if you have any difficulties downloading it by leaving a comment with your email address)
  4. Hand in your letter to FBL general office and they will make a cover letter on your behalf before forwarding it to SKR. 

Good luck!