Showing posts with label The Hunger Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Hunger Games. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Everyone's Crazy About The Games

The Hunger Games will hit theaters worldwide on 22 March 2012! Fans are getting real excited right now, and there quite a number of The Hunger Games related giveaways popping up on the blogosphere. So I thought I'd make a compilation right here to make things easier for THG fans! Click on the images to enter the respective giveaways.

The Bookaholics is giving away:

Click on the banner for your chance to win a Hunger Games Inspired Pocket Watch Necklace from Shining Gift! Contest ends 23 March 2012. Open internationally.

Click on the banner to enter! Contest ends 24 March 2012. Open internationally.

1. Real Housewife of Singapore is giving away:

Open to participants world wide. Ends March 25 2012.

2. The Crazy Bookworm is giving away:

Prize Pack #1:

1 Copy of The Hunger Games in Paperback
1 Gale Bookmark
1 Package of Hunger Games Trading Cards

AND Prize Pack #2:

Paperback Copy of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Hunger Games Pin Set
2 Bottlesof Hunger Games Nail Polish
District 12 Rubber Band

Contest ends March 31st at 11:59PM
Must be 13 years or older to enter
Contest open internationally

3. Holly and Polish is giving away:

This giveaway begins now and will end on March 23rd at 12:01 AM EST to coincide with the Hunger Games movie release!

4. Paranormal Heaven is giving away:

Hunger Games back pack
Set of 13 trading cards
1 pin

Giveaway ends at midnight on March 23rd, the movie's release date. Open internationally.

5. The Mani-Logues is giving away:

Hunger Games inspired custom polish by FEVERlacquer
This is open internationally except where prohibited. Giveaway ends 22 March 2012.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Impact of The Hunger Games (On Me)

Hunger games.jpg

Have you ever read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? It introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world where a powerful government called the Capitol has risen up after several devastating disasters. In the book, the Hunger Games are an annual televised event where the ruthless and evil Capitol randomly selects one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts, who are then pitted against each other in a game of survival and forced to kill until only one remains.

My short review based on the Chinese version of The Hunger Games:
I was really terrified by the fact that teenagers ranging from the age of 12 - 16 were actually instructed to kill each other. This showed us how unnerving and ruthless the Capitol was. However, this book was exceptionally well-written. It was wonderfully plotted and flawlessly paced that you will probably feel your insides jumping with a mix of fear, excitement and apprehension for the main characters, Katniss and Peeta. Katniss was portrayed as a strong, intriguing character. She was very alert and suspicious because she knew that there was no one whom she could trust entirely. As for Peeta, he had harbored a secret liking for Katniss since they were five that continued through the Games. The Hunger Games is really enthralling and gripping, and you should NEVER miss it!

Impact of The Hunger Games:

This morning, when I woke up, my joints were stiff. Can you guess why is it so? I practically dreamed that I was in The Hunger Games, running for my life. I was positive that I was going to die, because basically, I don't have any skills. I don't know archery like Katniss, I can't climb trees like Rue, I'm not skilled at throwing knives like Clove, I can't even disguise like Peeta. I'm so doomed.

Back to my dream, Glimmer was hunting me down with her provisional allies. I couldn't figure out where to hide. How I had hoped that someone could come and save me from those killers. I just ran and ran and finally tripped over a stone because I was so exhausted. Clove emerged from nowhere and held me below her. I was as vulnerable as a lamb on the altar, waiting to be slaughtered. I begged God to let the death be instant and painless. Just let my nervous system be dysfunctional the second she stabbed me. She raised her blade high above my heart and with a quick movement, her arms came down with rising momentum. I tried to scream, but my voice got caught in my throat. I closed my eyes, and...


I slowly opened my eyes,
and found myself lying on my cozy queen-size bed, my cotton blanket still wrapped around me tightly like I'm a sushi. For a minute, I couldn't move, obviously paralyzed by fear. My neck ached and my body felt as if they hadn't been moved for a thousand years.

LOL. Funny, isn't it?