Showing posts with label Viva Home Shopping Mall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viva Home Shopping Mall. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Popular RM5 Fiesta

It happens that today's the last day of the book fair, and coincidentally I'm in KL (yay!!!) so obviously I went. RM5 per book is unbeatable, it's even cheaper than BBW. 

I told myself it's ok despite not having all my work done, I'm gonna allow myself some freedom to shop while it's still the beginning of the semester and I can still afford it (time-wise). Procrastination is my forté. (๑◕︵◕๑)

So off I went with Yi Hong and Debs. 

Parking was so hard to find I swear it felt like 15 minutes doing multiple rounds in B1. Finally I prayed to God to give me a good parking slot and proceeded to move to level B2. And ta-dah! My prayer was answered! He gave me a damn good spot - it's just beside the sliding door where the escalators are! Made my day! ᕕ()ᕗ 

We were there for approx 2½ hours, and we went back with a huge haul. Well not so huge for me, if compared to past years. My buying power has diminished greatly due to multiple splurges in other warehouse sales like Cotton On, Triumph, SaSa, Esprit. I cannot resist (good) things that are on sale. I just have to buy them! So I only allocated RM50 for Popular sale, which got me a pretty decent amount of 10 books.

My pretty babies!
 I really liked how these covers seem to complement each other's color combos!

Initially I had 20 books, but due to budget restriction I kiasu-ly checked reviews for all titles on Goodreads. I only bought those that were rated 3.5 and above because I thought there's a higher chance that I would like them.

Among all these authors, I had only read Michelle Moran's books before, and they were pretty awesome (Nefertiti, The Heretic Queen,Cleopatra's Daughter), so I had high faith in Michelle's writing.

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton was deemed to be the mother of YA novels, so I got a copy too even though the cover is so boring.

Others were a pure gamble.

Something worth mention was that while I was walking around with my trolley book-hunting, a lady walked up to me and said, "Hi, do you want this RM5 cash voucher? I'm going back now and won't be shopping anymore, so if you want it I can give it to you."

Can you believe my luck?

Thank you kind aunty, I will remember your kindness even though I don't remember what you look like. Made my day x2