My birthday is on 23 January 2016. As it is during uni holidays, usually people won't remember it but thanks to the creation of FB, you don't have to remember it to know it. This year 100+ people commented HB on my page. I've seen birthday boys and girls liking and commenting TQ on each post, but I'm a lazy bitch no offense to myself haha... but I still appreciate all your wishes! I got a few PMs and Whatsapp messages from my close friends wishing me HB.
However, what is even rarer (if there's such a word) is the old-style way of greeting by sending a card. TBH this is what I prefer, call me an old soul - but I feel that wishes feel more authentic when they are written by hand. That's why I usually draw my friends a birthday card whenever I have the time. Nowadays hand drawn cards are rare with the technological shortcuts that the society adopts.
Sometimes I draw a few and keep them for emergency use haha. Eh, my drawing damn nice one ok (even though I copy them from Google Images lol).
Drew this for Aylar's birthday. Pretty leh?
Presents are nice too, but sometimes you will feel pressured to return the courtesy - if you forget their birthday you're doomed haha
There's one thing you should know about me. In all honesty, when I give presents, I don't expect the other party to return the favour. I give gifts because I feel like giving. Every now and then I will feel Santa Claus-y and pop you a gift. So it's totally ok if you forget about my birthday because most of the times I don't remember it myself lol.
Innisfree hand cream from YY, Hao Yi and Liana.
Two cheese tarts from Sean.
VS Fragrance Spray from Angie.
And a soon-to-arrive mystery box from Dani all the way from America (´・ω・`)
I'm thankful for all the wishes and gifts I've received this year. So much love from my dearest friends and family. :)
What do you think of birthdays?